Given that disorder and uncertainty continue to be the new normal at the moment, we wanted to give all our customers and suppliers as much reassurance and certainty as possible.
During the first lockdown we conducted a thorough review of our facilities and procedures and made a number of changes to our operations, working to ensure the health and welfare of our team and our customers, whilst still maintaining the high standards of service you have come to expect from us.
These operational changes are still in place and we will be working hard to ensure all orders are processed as usual throughout this latest lockdown.
We continue to put the safety of our staff, customers, and everyone who works with us, first and we will continue to follow the latest government guidelines and take all the necessary precautionary measures to ensure a safe working environment for everyone concerned.
Secretary of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, Alok Sharma (MP), stated that the construction and manufacturing industry is deemed a critical part of our economy and can continue to operate under the latest rules and guidelines, including travel and delivery into cross Tier areas. A full copy of the statement can be read here.
Finally, we would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to the NHS health workers and other key workers who continue to work tirelessly to support our local communities and the economy. Please stay well, stay safe and follow the government’s advice.
AJN Steelstock.